Updated: November 11, 1997November 1997 / No.2

The CIAC's Electronic
Art Magazine

The 5th Istanbul Biennial

A feature on the the opening of
the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain;
an interview with Alain Fleischer,
artist, filmmaker and writer



Ten Web art projects

Mouchette, 1996

An interview with Yoshio SHIRAKAWA
and Masashi OGURA on the occasion
of the exhibitions Yoshio SHIRAKAWA and
Les avant-gardes au Japon 1920-1970

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What do you think? What kind of information are you looking for?
What columns would you like to see in the magazine?

The CIAC's Electronic Art Magazine
was made possible with the financial support of:
Canadian Heritage and its Museum Assistance Program,

and the Cultural Human Resources Council.

Credits :
Director : Claude Gosselin
Editors : Rossitza Daskalova and Sylvie Parent
Graphic design and Online editing : Kevin C. Rowdon